Sunday, July 13, 2008

Early Intervention

Intervention during infancy has the greatest outcome. While any intervention at any age show good outcome.

I like the example the text gives about the sensitive period for language development. Researchers studied the competence of people and when they learned ASL (American Sigh Language). When individuals learned ASl at a latter age they are not as proficient as those who learned from birth.

Our household has found that the more intervention we can give our boys the better off they are are. Since Aydan was ten weeks early we found ourselves "having" to take him to the developmental specialist every six months.

When I questioned the need for Aydan to go; the doctor simply said that they want to monitor him since he was so early and weighed less than three pounds. Let me tell you-- with Rylan being only seven months older it has helped Aydan in ways we never thought. Aydan is developing passed the docotr's expectations of him. It is so awesome.

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