Monday, July 28, 2008

4 types of self esteem for childern

There are four types of self esteem that kids formed by eight years old.

Academic competence is when a child becomes aware that they naturally excel in school. They are typically the ""book worm" of the class. They are good at language arts, math and many other subjects.

Social competence is when the child focus is socially driven. A child prides themselves on the social graces of life so to speak. They have an abundance of peers and a good relationship with their parents.

Physical/Athletic competence is when the focus is on sports. They rather be outside or playing sports. They are also very good at sports.

Physical appearance- This is great entertainment.. ( i think it is any way) When a child becomes a aware of what they look like and dresses to satisfy themselves.

(yeah for me!! i got my computer to finally work___ gotta love toddlers)

Friday, July 18, 2008


This the most important job anyone can have. Anyone wanting to start a family should really do their research. I never knew how much research was involved with raising kids today. There is so much to worry about. (I am off to re tuck my little one back into bed.)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Early Intervention

Intervention during infancy has the greatest outcome. While any intervention at any age show good outcome.

I like the example the text gives about the sensitive period for language development. Researchers studied the competence of people and when they learned ASL (American Sigh Language). When individuals learned ASl at a latter age they are not as proficient as those who learned from birth.

Our household has found that the more intervention we can give our boys the better off they are are. Since Aydan was ten weeks early we found ourselves "having" to take him to the developmental specialist every six months.

When I questioned the need for Aydan to go; the doctor simply said that they want to monitor him since he was so early and weighed less than three pounds. Let me tell you-- with Rylan being only seven months older it has helped Aydan in ways we never thought. Aydan is developing passed the docotr's expectations of him. It is so awesome.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Wanna have a baby?

I am by all means not the person to talk to; but I will try to help ya out. I have a real problem with genetics. You see, I have Factor V deficiency and the doctors say that it is genetic although no one in my family has the gene. So figure that one out. Here are the basics... a sperm has 23 chromosomes and am egg or ovum has 23. when they join together and make a zygote there are now 46 chromosomes. At this point the chromosomes pair up and copy itself to each other then breaking off at any random point in the chain. This is what creates new DNA if you will. Everyone want to know how to better there odds on a specific gender child. I am sorry to tell you that is not up to you but rather up to genetics. The 223rd chromosomes determines the sex type of the child. I comes down to that chromosome is an XY it is a male and an XX it is a female.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The first ever blog post for me..

Ok- I know that sounds stupid; but hey it is true. This is first ever for me. I am excited to learn new things and I guess this class is going to test my ability to do so at a very rapid pace.

Who I am-
I am a mom of two beautiful boys. Rylan my 31 month old and Aydan my 24 months old. Yes you did read that right. The boys are 7 months, 5 days, 4 hours, and 26 minutes apart. You ask how did we do that. Buckle your seats belts for this one. Woody (my husband) and I adopted Rylan in December of 2005 after 2 failed pregnancies. Two weeks latter we where *blessed* when Rylan slept the whole night through. Aydan, our second child, is a gift from God. You see, Aydan was born 10 weeks early and weight 2 1/2 pounds. We tease Aydan that he wanted a window seat in life because in the Newborn ICU he had the bed by the window. Don't worry Aydan is doing everything that big bother Rylan can do.

What I like to do-
Hmm that is a loaded question. I have my hands into everything. My friends tease me that it is not a normal day for the boys and I if something doesn't happen. The top things that I love to do is playing with the boys, ridding my horse, gardening, anything having to do with fiber textiles and school. Ok, so the school thing is when there is a subject that grabs my attention.

Why I am taking this class-
I had this bright idea that it would be fun to take some human development classes to stay one step ahead of the boys. Not really. I really want to be a part of there schooling and Woody and I felt that it would best for me to go back to school and get my Early Child Development degree so I can be a *more qualified* part of their schooling.