Monday, July 28, 2008

4 types of self esteem for childern

There are four types of self esteem that kids formed by eight years old.

Academic competence is when a child becomes aware that they naturally excel in school. They are typically the ""book worm" of the class. They are good at language arts, math and many other subjects.

Social competence is when the child focus is socially driven. A child prides themselves on the social graces of life so to speak. They have an abundance of peers and a good relationship with their parents.

Physical/Athletic competence is when the focus is on sports. They rather be outside or playing sports. They are also very good at sports.

Physical appearance- This is great entertainment.. ( i think it is any way) When a child becomes a aware of what they look like and dresses to satisfy themselves.

(yeah for me!! i got my computer to finally work___ gotta love toddlers)

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